Physics Practical Files (With Readings)

#Sonometer #Spring Constant #Flywheel #Maxwell’s needle #Bar pendulum #Kater’s pendulum #Random Error #Screw gauge #Vernier Caliper and many more

#Newton’s Ring #Polarimeter #Velocity of Ultrasonic Waves #Law of Malus #Melde’s Experiment #Width of wire using Diffraction #Grating Experiments #Refractive Index of Prism #Cauchy’s Constant and many more

#Thermocouple #Stefan’s Constant #Searle’s Method #Platinum Resistance Thermometer #Lee’s and Charlton’s #Callender and Barne’s

#Refractive Index by Total Internal Reflection #State of Polarization #Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber #Plank’s Constant using LED #Law of Malus #Boltzmann’s Constant using Diode #Width of Wire using Diffraction and many more

#Diode, All Transistor(all configurations) Characteristics #Rectifier Circuit #Thevenin and Norton #LCR circuits #Lissajous Figures #RC Coupled Amplifier #Clipper and Clamper #Oscillators #And many more

#Quincke’s Method #Helmholtz Coil #Hall Coefficient #Dielectric Constant #BH Curve #Bandgap using 4 probe method and many more

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1 thought on “Physics Practical Files (With Readings)”

  1. All these practical’s are nicely explained .Easy to understand.Please add some experiments of Geiger – Mular Counter if possible.
    Also add some solar energy experiments in above list.Thank you.

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